Tuhan Beri Petunjuk? – Friar David Au, OFM

Tuhan Beri Petunjuk?

Bukankah kita seringkali dipenuhi dengan keraguan? Namun, iman kita mengatakan bahawa Tuhan senantiasa menyampaikan kehendak-Nya kepada kita. Pesanan Tuhan itu adalah konsisten, dan utuh. Kita tidak pernah bersendirian dalam perjalanan ini. Yesus memberikan kita Roh Kudus untuk memimpin kita dalam mengenali “tanda ” yang menunjukkan kita ke hala tuju yang benar. 

Saksikan renungan salah seorang friar yang terlibat dalam Promosi Panggilan. Friar David Au, OFM menggambarkan perjalanan beliau sebagai seorang Fransiskan.

Does God Send Signs? – Friar David Au, OFM

Does God send signs?

Don’t we all long for that kind of clarity? Nonetheless, our faith assures us that God is always communicating his will to us. God’s message is consistent, sure, and irrefutable. We are not alone on this journey; Jesus gives us the Holy Spirit to guide us on the way to read the “signs” that point us in the right direction. 

Check out this reflection by one of our friars involved in promoting vocations. Friar David Au, OFM describes his journey as a Franciscan friar.

Blessed Feast of St Anthony

Blessed Feast of St Anthony

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

A blessed and joyous Feast Day of St Anthony to you!

To celebrate the feast of our Custody’s patron, we invite you to join us for the online Feast Day Mass of St Anthony here.

In addition, we are delighted to launch our updated website which features many new and exciting content, including reflections, Custody news and a brand-new virtual shrine in honour of St Anthony. You are most welcome to submit your petitions to our beloved brother and saint!

By improving our online presence, we hope to minister to you in a relevant, effective and meaningful way. Do check us out here at www.franciscans.sg  We have also prepared a special tribute to St Anthony (below) where Friar Derrick shares his love and connection to St Anthony in a new video.

May the Lord grant you blessings, peace and joy always! Alleluia!